Santa’s Map App With React Native Learn how to display a map with pins and custom callouts by creating an app that will help Santa deliver Christmas presents. Continue reading →
React Native Cheat Sheet Collection of React Native recipes, code snippets, and styling tips and tricks. Continue reading →
React Native List App Complete How-To Guide You need to build a mobile app that lists some data and shows details on a separate screen once user taps an item? Follow this complete guide on how to master React Native List and Navigator components to switch between a list and a detail screen. Continue reading →
Component’s Props in React Native Props are used to customize React Native components, both core and your own components. You can use the same component in different parts of your app with different props to customize how would they look or behave. Continue reading →
Style React Native Components With React Native you can style your components with CSS-like styles. Style names and values usually match CSS styles, except names are written like backgroundColor instead of like background-color. Continue reading →
Layout React Native Components with Flexbox You can position any components anywhere on the screen using Flexbox. You can arrange them vertically, horizontally, center them, distribute evenly and much more. Continue reading →
React Native Components Any app written with React Native in JavaScript consist of at least one component. Continue reading →
Build a List of Pets for Adoption App with React Native – Part 2 In this tutorial we’ll continue building our Adopt Me app that we started in Part 1 and add detail screen for each pet, which would show up when row clicked. Continue reading →
Build a List of Pets for Adoption App with React Native – Part 1 We’ll be building an app that shows a list of pets available for adoption in US with details about each one. To get that list we’ll use API. Let’s jump right into it. Continue reading →